I have been tagged by both Neva in
Iverness, Illinois (USA) and PaB in
Baziège, Midi Pyrénées, France.
These are the rules.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
Here's 8 Random Facts about me:
1. I don't like to follow the rules.
2. I'm going to break rule# 3 above - (I won't be tagging others - it's just something I do (same as email notes that get passed around) - I will read and respond back to the individuals who have taken the time to write/include me but I almost never pass anything on.
3. I am a Toronto Maple Leafs fan - which I think makes me an eternal optimists - fans of the NHL will know what I mean while fellow Leaf fans having been sharing my pain since 1967.
4. I have eclectic musical tastes (click on some of the songs on the left - the Deezer service allows visitors to listen to songs you have chosen - thanks to PaB for having this on his site which piqued my interest). I have tried to have Canadian music displayed (except for the One Tin Soldier by Coven - this song was originally done by the Canadian group Original Caste but no recording was available on the site). The Stompin' Tom Connors song is an unofficial hockey anthem - it gets played a lot at rinks in Canada!
5. I love chocolate & cheese but not together!
6. I love books.
7. I am not a fan of reality TV except for sporting events - though sometimes the announcers are a bit of a pain to listen to.
8. I love snowstorms and cold winter days when the mercury dips below -40°C.
9. (see fact# 1 why there is nine and not eight) - I really enjoy the DailyPhotoBlog - lots of fun but sometimes too distracting!