Saturday, July 21, 2007

Inside the Trans Canada Pavilion on Memorial Drive

There are plaques honouring donours and such on all 3 inside walls of the Trans Canada Pavilion. See yesterday's photo for the outside view.

One of the plaques gives a small bio about Kate Pace Lindsay (for whom one of the trails through North Bay is named for). She was a world class downhill skier from North Bay. Click on the photo to see a larger image of the plaques and some of the donours listed.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Trans Canada Trail Pavilion near North Bay Waterfront

Here's the red roof seen in yesterday's photo of Amelia Ballfield. The Trans Canada Trail Pavilion is at the junction of the Kinsmen Trail and Kate Pace Way.

It makes for a nice stop and view when biking or roller blading along either trail.

Tomorrow I'll post a photo of some of the plaques and information contained on the inside walls of the Pavilion.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Amelia Ballfield on the shores of Lake Nipissing

Click on the photo for a large image of the Amelia Ballfield. Amelia Park actually has a softball diamond with lights along with a soccer pitch. The views at sunset of Lake Nipissing can be quite spectacular (although a little hard on the left fielders eyes if there is a pop fly!!). The park is located on Memorial Drive near Stanley St. The red roof on the left side of the photo is part of the Trans Canada Trail Pavilion on the Kate Pace Way.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Deer at Birch's Road & Booth Road

This photo of 3 deer was taken the day after snapping the horse riders (yesterday's daily photo).

It is in the same spot as yesterday's photo (by the water tower at the corner Booth Rd by Birch's Road). Both photos were taken while biking along the Kate Pace Trail.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Horse Ride on Booth Rd by Birch's Rd

Just a quiet Sunday ride along Booth Rd by the Birch's Road water tower.

Sorry for the lack of updates for the past week but living in Northern Ontario means that you can go out into the woods and don't have any electricity or annoying phones for a some peace and quiet.

I hope all of our friends from France had an enjoyable Bastille Day (Fête Nationale) on Saturday!!