The Royal Canadian Legion is the largest veteran's organization in Canada. They have over 400,000 members and affiliates. They do a lot of wonderful work for the community besides being a comfort and meeting place for veterans. They are involved in sponsoring sporting events (Legion Track meets, hockey & baseball teams to name a few), public speaking contests and helping us to remember the ultimate sacrifice some Canadians have borne for our nation.
Branch 23 is located on 1st Ave W near the North Bay Cenotaph.
The flags are at half staff as Canada lost 6 service persons serving their country on July 4th, 2007 in Afghanistan.
Although this epitaph is not in North Bay, it is in another wonderful city in Northern Ontario (Sault Ste. Marie). It is the inscription on the Cenotaph located on Queen St East in the Soo that was written by Rudyard Kipling in 1925:
From little towns, in a far land, we came,
to save our honour and a world aflame;
by little towns, in a far land, we sleep,
and trust those things we won
to you to keep.