Some of you have asked if we get a lot of snow. That depends on your definition of a lot. I don't think we get enough snow but others think we get too much.
This photo was taken last Friday (Nov 30) of the cars coming from downtown onto Lakeshore Drive via the Overpass (called that since it goes above the train tracks of both the Ontario Northland and Ottawa Valley Railways). The snowstorm is just starting to roll into town.
To give you an idea as to the amount of snow that has fallen (& drifted), since Sunday afternoon, I have shovelled out the driveway 5 times! It's supposed to let up a bit by tomorrow, which means that I'll actually have a chance to do a proper job of cleaning the driveway and piling the snow away from the house.
Here it's important to push the snow as far away from the driveway and house on these first snow falls since it will continue to snow until March. It is no picnic trying to clean your driveway when you have created 6 foot banks of snow on either side.