I know that gas prices here in Canada are relatively cheap compared to the rest of the world (except for the USA) but it has been quite a while since I have been able to gas up for under $1 per litre. I am starting to think that gas won't go back under a $1 per litre, at least not this summer. It seems strange that a lot of the refinery shutdowns and refurbishments occur right at the start of the peak driving season while demand is quite high. I am not suggesting that the gas companies are manipulating supplies to keep prices artificially high but draw your own conclusions when you see stories in the news about tight gas supplies and then the next day the price jumps!!!
Shell Canada station is located at
390 Lakeshore Dr. It is always well lit and very clean. The personnel are also very friendly and personable (must be hard at times, since I imagine that they get more than their fair share of people complaining about the price of gas).
I know that the gas station owners (whether an independent or franchisee) aren't the ones making money off the high prices but they certainly bare the brunt of the public's anger when it should be directed at the corporate offices and refinery divisions!!
By the way, the price of gas was
$1.106 per litre and I am betting a least a
5 to 7 cent jump by tomorrow morning!! If you want to see Gas Prices in Ontario go to this handy consumer site:
GasBuddy Ontario or if you are somewhere else in Canada or the USA, go to
GasBuddy's main site.