Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hockeyville (6) - That's going to hurt!

More exciting action from North Bay's Memorial Gardens between the Atlanta Thrashers and the New York Islanders. Here we can see one of the Islanders upended as he was trying to get into the Thrashers zone.


Lynette said...

Ouch! Big time ouch! Guess these guys are used to it, though. I vividly remember the first hockey game I ever saw in person--in Memphis, Tennessee in 1967 or 1968. I couldn't get over how much those guys crashed into each other. It was exciting and totally scary, all at the same time. Plus it got me curious enough about hockey that I decided to make a speech about it in my speech class at Mississippi State University, complete with a poster I drew, illustrating the lines on the ice, the stick and the puck. I made an A on that speech!

About my photo of Mt. Hood, I didn't mean to imply that I took it from the bus--sorry. I got off and walked into a parking garage, a couple of flights up, until I could see it. Thanks for your comment--I'lll make a notation on my blog.

Susan said...

That fella must be hurting bad!
I have only ever seen NHL on tv. The prices are so high for a decent seat. One of these days though, Ill get there. I want to see Trevor Linden in person before he retires!

CaBaCuRl said...

Thanks for teaching me a little about ice hockey, as i didn't know anything except that it was very rough and physical.And I didn't know lacrosse was so big in Canada either. Do you play?

Denton said...

This is a photo which needs to be enlarged to enjoy ... maybe enjoy is the wrong word.

Unknown said...

nice one!

Olivier said...

belle serie sur le hockey (j'aime beaucoup le titre 'Hockeyville').

beautiful series on hockey (I like much the title “Hockeyville”).

Unknown said...

Great game! Great win!
Congratulations North Bay. From us all here in Salmon River, Hockeyville 2006.