Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chief Commanad II @ King's Landing

The Chief Commanda II docked at King's Landing on the shores of Lake Nipissing.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Nice boat! I take lots of boat pix, but they aren't as good as this. I took a bunch today! (Have not posted them, though.) That's a pretty snazzy boat.

Joy said...

What do you do on it? Can the public dine there or something?

Your Love Coach

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Nice looking cruise ship. I checked out their site; the Sunset Cruise menu isn't bad at all, but it's a bit pricier than Odyssey's dinner cruise in Boston (their food isn't good though).

Jilly said...

Great boat. And doesn't look too massive so a cruise would be a more personal thing. Do people go on daily cruises or for a week or so or what?

Thanks so much for commenting whilst I was away.

Neva said...

This looks like a very big boat....

Denton said...

Sharp looking catamaran. Most likely more stable than a single hulled boat.

Unknown said...

beautiful boat!

LC said...

Nice shot the boat looks like a fun comfortable place to spend some time on the water.

Olivier said...

c'est un beau bateau, qui donne envie de faire une ballade

it is a beautiful boat, which gives desire for making a ballade

julia said...

Comfortable boat, on deck or shug inside.

Curly said...

Some great photos again this week, I've enjoyed it!

I'm featuring the QE2 this week.

South Shields Daily Photo