Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ticket Office for Heritage Railway

This old train caboose has been put to good use. It is now the ticket office for the Heritage Railway and Carousel. Some grandparents can be seen sitting and enjoying the day amongst the flowers. If you click on the photo, you will get more detail and will even be able to see the prices for the rides ($5 for 6 ride ticket or $1 per single ride ticket). Anytime we have company from out of town we always bring them down to the Lake Nipissing waterfront so they can see the train and carousels.


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

What a lovely scene! A little paint and lots of beautiful flowers made the old caboose look so pretty.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Nice railcar ticket office. You are right, without the safety glass between me and the bear, I'd of been thinking of running, instead of diving in. ;)

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi ,
Waht a sweet ticketshop , looks like a playstation, for children. I hope we can pay with 'plastic' (not real) childrensmoney???

:) JoAnn

Thanks for your supportive reaction and i updated a post about my dog... :)

Vie Lipowski said...

I could see all details, the flowers are so beautiful. Even the two folks sitting and one with missing face... lol!
Maybe one day when I come to visit, you could bring me there too ;)

About the "homes",unfortunatelly there is no access to Lake Ontario, because they are the other side of QEW. But there is small river near by.
Thanx again North Bay!

Olivier said...

c'est une gare en miniature ;o)

it is a station in miniature ;O)

Annie said...

I do think it's very good when things are used in new and interesting ways. There's a bank in my hometown that was once a train engine.

Neva said...

I Like this very much.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! How pretty! :-D