Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bob & Doug MacKenzie Beer (Take Off Eh!!)

Wobbly Pop!! In honour of Dave Thomas' (1/2 of the duo Bob & Doug McKenzie) appearance this Friday at North Bay's Capitol Centre with his brother (Ian Thomas), I present a very Canadian thing: the Stubbie beer bottle!!

The Brick Brewing Company from Kitchner, Ontario has revived an old favourite, Red Cap Ale.

Red Cap Ale was Canada's most popular beer in the 50s and 60s, owning almost half the market at one point. Brick Brewing Company Ltd re-introduced the brand in the popular stubby bottle in 2002. (Stubbies are a Canadian thing!!)

In honour of Bob & Doug McKenzie's 24 (pronounced two-four) anniversary of their big screen debut in Strange Brew, Jim Brickman and the Brick Brewing Company released limited edition Stubby bottles of Red Cap Ale.

Take Off Eh To the Great White North!!

Near Xmas, I might post the Canadian version (actually Bob & Doug's) of the Twelve Days of Christmas!!


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Haha! Can't wait for that Christmas post :).

Love stubbies!

TeamSplashi said...

That looks refreshing, I remember that Tuborg had same , well kind of same packaging ideas in the 80/90.
Anyway cheers mate :)

Unknown said...

What a coincidence today !
I have posted something with bottles and liquid inside.
Your post is very Canadian.
We had very similar bottles but not so stubby (this word doesn't exist it is a joke, no ?).

david mcmahon said...

Ale and hearty! Nice background in the shot, too .....

Admin said...

Love it... I hope to be here for a vacation... Nice!

Jules said...

In Vietnam I drank Tiger beer in stubbies - growl !!!!

Stubbies is the name of a brand of shorts in Australia as well as beer that comes in short glass bottles. I have a feeling stubbies is an Australian term - am I wrong????

Lynette said...

Please, please post their 12 days! It'll be grand, I'm sure.

And I didn't make it clear which streaks of light I was asking about. I meant the ones on the street scene, downtown.

Thanks for explaining your blog header photo.

Steve Cuddihy said...

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....a beer! [on my knee]

I was a teen when that song was popular and can probably sing every word to it!

In their movie, when they poor the beer from the dog dish, back into the beer bottle....hahaha! What a movie!

david mcmahon said...

Looking forward to the Christmas post ....

Annie said...

It's always interesting to see how containers encourage attraction. Of course, we knew that already, didn't we. Think of shapely girls and masculine boys - when what we really want is what's inside.

Neva said...

Annie is too cute!! This looks the beer really good? Can't wait for the Christmas post either!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi northbay,
I am always so glad I found your blog! Really I do! I always love to read about more and more and more about your beloved Canada, what a great habits and its interesting me so much, Thanks!!

HI!:)I Missed you too,
I am back from my short trip to South of Italy, thanks for 'not forgetting me' I posted an overview of pictures from my holiday , soon more... Have a great sunday!!!

Greetings JoAnn:)

Lavenderlady said...

That's very interesting....and I love the background effect...what is it?

CaBaCuRl said...

You can also buy beer in stubbies in Oz too, also in throwdowns and tallies, as well as cans.